manufacturers’ video with inductor introduction
Inductors and inductance explained

Coilcraft video about inductor basics.
3 min
Inductors explained

KEMET full webinar about inductor basics.
34 min
if you prefer to hear more university-like professor presentation you can check the following sets of videos:
What is an Inductor

In this video we will explain what is an inductor.
8 min
Inductance in Graphical Form

In this video we will illustrate inductance in graphical form, v=L(di/dt)
2 min
DC Current Through an Inductor

lets calculate the DC current through an inductor at t-0.05s and 0.25s
8 min
Why Does an Inductor Behave Like an Inductor?

why does an inductor behave like an inductor (Why does an inductor oppose a change in current)?
7 min
Calculating the Current Through the Inductor

lets calculate the current i=? through the inductor.
3 min
Inductors in Series

L(total)=? given L1, L2, and L3 in series
2 min
Current Symbols of an Inductor

In this video I will illustrate current symbols of an inductor.
3 min
Energy Stored in an Inductor

lets calculate the energy stored in an inductor when i=0,1A, and 2A.
3 min
Inductors in Parallel

L(total)=? given L1, L2, and L3 in parallel
3 min