The on-line course will assist you to get some more knowledge on capacitors – its basic principles, types, construction and features.
Lesson content is based on expanded EPCI ABC of CLR online handbook and supported by published technical papers and articles from leading manufacturers, conferences and other sources. The content is completed by manufacturing videos, webinars and regularly updated.
The course consist two chapters – Capacitors Basics and Capacitor Types.
Content marked with * is considered as mandatory, other optional content and links is provided as recommendation or for those who are interested in more details. The Capacitor Basics chapter also provide links to university class short videos for those who prefer more academic in-depth lecture.
The Capacitor Types chapter is completed with links to manufacturers process documents and video. Lecturers declare no personal interest to promote any specific manufacturers versus others. The selection is based purely on public materials that illustrate best the manufacturing processes etc.
There is a feedback questionnaire at the end of the course, please note your comments and suggestions that will be useful to improve the course further.
Each section is completed by a Quiz and the course is completed by Final Quiz to get your professional certificate. You have three attempts to pass the Final Quiz with 80% score within 20minutes time limit !