Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Features

Panasonic, one of supplier of all aluminum and tantalum polymer capacitor technologies provide comparison of its technologies as follows:

  • OS-CON is a TCNQ salt electrolyte
  • Hybrid combine wet and polymer electrolytes
  • SP-Cap is a solid polymer chip capacitor
  • POSCAP is a tantalum polymer capacitor

The following chart is demonstrating lifetime with temperature comparison of wet vs polymer vs hybrid aluminum capacitors that can be helpful for a specific application selection guide.

DCL and balancing

Aluminum electrolytic capacitors leakage current and balancing is explained in more details in a paper below:

DCL of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors – by Dr. Arne Albertsen from Jianghai Europe Electronic Components GmbH

*10 min read

Construction Video

Construction of aluminum capacitors and wet to polymer capacitor comparison also featured in EETimes ChalkTalks by Kemet:

What are Aluminum Polymer Capacitors? — KEMET and Mouser Electronics EE Journal Chalk Talks


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